Bee Swarm and Nest Removal

If you find a swarm settled or settling onto your house, car, in the yard, on a tree or even a fence and want it removed; get in contact ASAP!

Why Bees Swarm?

Swarming is a perfectly natural occurrence so don’t be alarmed. Like us, bees need space in which to live their lives. They need a place to raise brood (baby bees), to store nectar, honey and pollen. In the Spring and Summer, a colony can expand quite dramatically, both in numbers and space needed. When space becomes limited, bees need a solution and their solution is to swarm in search of a new larger home.

Fees and Charges

Removal fees may apply depending on the scope of the task, a basic bee removal is based on a swarm located low to the ground and with easy access. Job specifics and relevant charges will be discussed on initial contact to determine removal requirements and may be negotiated once on-site. Any donations for my time, fuel and to support the health and well-being of the bees is always greatly appreciated. We do this to save the bees, ethically, sustainably and always chemical FREE!

** NOTE: Swarms located at great heights, inside walls, tree hollows and/or roof cavities etc. may not be able to be removed and/or may require advanced removal techniques incurring greater costs. **