Become a Hive Sponsor

Interested in supporting bee welfare and engaging in sustainable living whilst providing care to our most valuable pollinators? Join the Urban Bee to establish a fully functioning beehive on your property; whether it’s in the backyard, on the farm or within your business, we will collaborate with you on your apiary design and can manage all aspects of your urban apiary. Subject to approval, conditions apply.

Sponsor the Bees

When space is limited and/or hosting a hive is out of the question though the desire to support the bees is still present; you may wish to engage in an external bee/hive sponsorship. This may be a once off affair or over an extended period, either way your support will go towards the continual demands of protecting our most valuable pollinator, the European Honeybee. All sponsorship funds go towards bee colony management, new hiveware and apiary upkeep. Get in contact to discuss the options.

Want to contribute to the conservation of honeybees today? DONATE NOW and make a difference!